


Mission and goals

We are leaders in the design, construction and maintenance of extra high voltage electric power transmission and distribution lines, both in Italy and abroad.

For the Italian market, we are among the few contractors qualified by TERNA Rete Italia S.p.A to work on overhead power lines up to a maximum voltage of 380 kV, while abroad, we are currently active in France and Norway for the public utilities RTE and STATNETT.

We are also active in the field of the design and construction of underground cable lines, also for international interconnections in direct current (500 kV cc).

Our strengths

  • We possess our own facility
    From our internal resources, we can simultaneously deploy several work teams so as to aggressively achieve challenging production and lead time targets. All this thanks to a wide range of vehicles and equipment, including special machinery (e.g. brake with a 2000 mm capstan), as well as the very high complement of operational personnel trained for working at heights, electrical work (PES/PAV), works in confined spaces, fire prevention and first aid.
  • International presence
    Through Consorzio Italia 2000, we have been present throughout the world for over 20 years.
  • Technical skills
    Our technical office performs preliminary, definitive and executive design work including the design of pylons and the processing of case paperwork to be submitted to the various competent bodies.
  • Diversification
    We have always been distinguished by the diversified nature of our work. In fact, optimal synergy between the various operating structures has allowed us to maintain our stability in the market. We are one of the few contractors approved by the French RTE and Norwegian STATNETT companies.
  • Solidity and reliability
    The company is mainly structured on internal resources; this allows us to perform at the highest levels levels of reliability and financial soundness, both towards our clients and with respect to our suppliers.
  • Innovation
    We are open to the introduction of innovative solutions, supported by the capability to develop them at the design and construction stages, also by means of experimental validation by integrating tests and test programmes. In the past, we participated in the development of SKY WRAP, a technique for running optical fibre on overhead conductors, and we are currently an exclusive partner for this technology.

The Roda team

The Roda team is organised according to the following organisation and qualifications:

RODA Spa certiicazioni


International standards provide the framework against which to implement changes aimed at improving the products, processes and motivation of those who work in our organisation.

The adoption and certification of a management system compliant with standards:

  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for quality management;
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 for environmental compatibility;
  • UNI EN ISO 50001:2011 for energy management;
  • UNI ISO 45001:2018 for workplace health and safety;
  • UNI ISO 37001:2016 for anti-bribery;

represent our concrete and constant commitment to improving the quality of our work. Our dedicated corporate team and a continuous training activity ensure:
the satisfaction of our customers;

  • compliance with contractual requirements;
  • compliance of management systems;
  • timely compliance with safety regulations and workers’ health and safety provisions;
  • vigilance over our suppliers (with particular regard to ethics and respect for the rights of workers involved in all our activities);
  • fight against corruption;

These actions are based on the principle of continuous improvement, which drives the company to impose voluntary standards and increasingly challenging goals with the awareness that the involvement of people and their specific skills will ensure their full achievement.

SOA Certification SOA Certification
Quality ISO 9001
ISO 3834-2
UNI EN 1090-2011
Human resources ISO 45001
SA 8000
UNI/PdR 125
Environment and energy efficiency ISO 14001
ISO 14064-1
ISO 14067
ISO 50001
Anti-corruption, Information security, Asset management ISO 37001
ISO 27001
ISO 55001
Organisation and management model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 MOG - General part
Company Policy and Code of Ethics Integrated System Policy
Asset Management Policy
Gender Equality Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Code of Ethics
Business Continuity Policy

Our group brands

Nuova DLM Valvo

Design and construction of top entry and side entry ball and butterfly valves.

Nuova DLM Valvo

R.P.F. S.r.l.

Treatment of special non-hazardous plastic matrix waste. We transform waste into energy.

R.P.F. S.r.l.

We have already been chosen by

Terna Rete Italia
Prisma Group
Siemens Energy
Elia Group